
1854 Amador County was created, named after native
Californian, Jose Maria Amador. Amador County's
largest city is Jackson, founded in 1848. The early
gold rush camp turned city was, like so many other
gold rush towns along Hwy 49, destroyed by a raging
fire in 1862. The city was rebuilt with as many as
forty-two of those Civil War era buildings still
standing today on and around Jackson's Historic
Main Street. The town originally bore the name
Bottileas given by the Mexican and Chilean miners
who were, as the story goes, impressed by the
number of bottles dropped at a spring that served
as a watering hole for passing miners. The site of
the original well is memorialized with a plaque
behind the National Hotel at the foot of Main
became the county seat of newly formed Amador
County in 1854. Visitors will find a brass plaque
set in the sidewalk of Main Street in the historic
downtown area that claims; "Judge Smith
proclaimed Jackson the seat of Justice after Clerk
Collier canvassed the votes of the May 1851
election in which 1,224 votes were cast for
Moquelumne Hill and 1,014 for Jackson. An armed
party from Moquelumne Hill pursued Judge Smith to
lynch him. Another party stole the records from the
Clerk's office. Later Judge Smith shot and killed
Collier on Main Street over another disputed
election count. A perfect example of Mother Lode
politics" There are many such plaques adorning
the sidewalks through this historic area for
visitors to enjoy.

From early 1850 until W.W.II
Amador County's three main mines, the Eureka, Kennedy and
Argonaut mines produced 4,630,000 ounces of gold,
more then half the counties entire gold production
of 7,851,000 ounces produced from nineteen mines.
Jackson produced more than half the gold mined in
the Mother Lode. The Argonaut and Kennedy mines
have shafts that drop over 5,000 feet into depth of
the Mother Lode. They are reported to be the
deepest mines on the continent.